Interior Architecture & The Culture of Care

This research group examines concepts of the architectural interior, such as home, domesticity and furniture objects as a cultural and social history, but also spatially, in how it conditions behaviours and intimacies. It describes a place, often a collection of rooms, which encapsulate all forms of human relations and behaviours. It also is the space that personifies experimentation in how we live, speculations on finance, ownership and the asset: the commodifying of privacy. The home is the site for improvement, maintenance, regulatory governance and standards. And of course, in current times, it is the place where we all now undertake work. The relationships between body and space, personified through intimacies and atmospheres, associates this group with material identities, communities and therefore symbolises the enduring resistance to social injustice, racism and the climate emergency. The interior is at the heart of all of these forms of resistance, the space and also our minds. The interior is the space and inner life of how we think, react support our families, friends and colleagues, whatever their race, their gender, their own interior lives.